Transforming our Communities
CLIMATENZA's commitment to sustainability is reflected in its contribution toward meeting the Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nation.
Today, countries around the world are more firmly committed than ever to accelerating renewable energy deployment. Technological innovation, enabling policies and the drive to address climate change have placed renewable at the center of the global energy transformation. Solar CSP Technology provides a chance to revolutionize energy
industry and achieve sustainable Development Goals.

Sustainability at CLIMATENZA

CLIMATENZA and Sustainable Development Goals
CLIMATENZA's commitment to sustainability can be defined as strong support for social progress, environmental balance and economic growth, and it is reflected in its mission and vision to contribute towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Carbon Neutrality Nature
CLIMATENZA is developing a carbon neutral company and considers the fight against climate change a strategic priority. Through electricity generation from solar thermal sources, it helps mitigate climate change by displacing fossil fuels in the electricity mix.

CLIMATENZA will help offset the use of fossil energy in the national electricity mixes, thereby successfully avoiding all CO₂ emissions associated with them through its electricity generation activity based exclusively on renewable energy. In the same way, CLIMATENZA will provide solutions for energy efficiency, both in its own business and for its customers, successfully optimising consumption patterns in which CO2 emissions are reduced

Through CLIMATENZA's sustainable business model, company will continues to study social impact derived from the development of its projects in the community, understanding Social Impact Management as a process of analysis and treatment of social consequences, both negative and positive
At core of CLIMATENZA is to Electrify communities under darkness
Over 640 million Africans have no access to energy, corresponding to an electricity access rate for African countries at just over 40 percent, the lowest in the world. Per capita consumption of energy in sub-Saharan Africa is 180 kWh, compared to 13,000 kWh per capita in the United States and 6,500 kWh in Europe.

Light Up and Power Africa
Access to energy is crucial not only for the attainment of health and education outcomes, but also for reducing the cost of doing business and for unlocking economic potential and creating jobs. Insufficient energy access manifests itself in hundreds of thousands of deaths annually due to the use of wood-burning stoves for cooking; handicaps the operations of hospitals and emergency services; compromises educational attainment; and drives up the cost of doing business. Energy access for all is therefore one of the key drivers of inclusive growth as it creates opportunities for women, youths, children both in urban and rural areas.
CLIMATENZA's solar thermal technology provides the best way to electrify Africa.